Friday, August 21, 2009

Study Smart but Not Study Hard:

This week, I attended a workshop about “Study Smart but Not Study Hard”. The presenter of this workshop is Madam Fathilah Mohd Alipiah. She teach us the skill of study to let us know how to get ready for exams and quizzes.

Before study, you need to do physical preparation. First of all, you can open a soft music to relax ourselves. Then, you may put all the resources for your study together with you. When you study, you may control your stress because if you stress cannot concentrate to your study.
Besides that, you can set the goals for your study or reversion path; for example, you can plan what you should study and do during the next holiday. It will let you finish your work early.
Besides that, you should understand the time management. Usually, student will always say not enough time to do assignment. Actually, this is because they don’t know how to manage their schedule. You may do the important assignment first such as do the assignment that want to pass up lately just do the other assignment that want to pass up next time.

On the other hands, the capability of brain is very powerful. The energies of brain let you perpetrate the thing you think; “if you think nothing, do nothing; but if you think you can, you can do it”. The highway of our brain is very busy, so it can do and think many things.

For the pre-read, you have to focus on SQR3, there’s 3 R inside includingread to answer the question, write and review multiple times. For efficient study, you can study before sleep; don’t empty your mind to sleep. Because when you wake up, your mind have deep impress for that path you study before you sleep.

In conclusion, I will apply these skills when I study. I hope I can get good result in this semester.

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