Sunday, August 30, 2009

Start Our Business

This week I had a meeting for our business in the class. After discuss with group member, we decided opening our business with sales accessories or jewels and sell dedication for Mid-Autumn Festival. For the accessories, we want survey a good supplier to provide product for us. For the dedication, we decided the dedication include sweet, chocolates, lantern, moon cake, and jelly. We will do a greeting card for the people who want to buy our dedication. This special card can write down well-wishing to the receiver.

Besides that, I will sell out dedication at DPP YAB office. So, our leader depute us writes a request letter to YAB headmaster for ask this permit. After few days, he approved our request. Very grateful he helped us process our enterprise.

My most important concern is wanted to achieve target for sell the dedication. All of group member sell more than 20 dedications. I will try best to achieve this target and hope can sell over 20 dedications.

Now, the missions of our group members are try our best to survey supplier and promote our dedication. We also decided that correct RM 25 for capital from all group member in the next class.

i learned that we must prepare well before start a business.

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