Thursday, July 30, 2009

H1N1>>>>>>> TERRIBLE!!!!

After back from class, I received surprise news that is UUM that raid by H1N1. UUM will be quarantine for 1 week onward today. I very flurry and quickly went back to my room and inform my roommates about this matter. After discuss with roommates, I decided go back home because worry infect by H1N1. Besides that, all DPP café would close in the period of quarantine.

I feel so lucky that one of my friend fetch me to Alor Star’s bus station to take bus. On the way to bus station, I saw many students wait at bus stop. Many of the students were very upset due to service of bus stopped. I appreciated that my friend could fetch me as this avoid me from contend bus which full of students.

When I reached the Shahub’s bus station, I rushed to counter buy ticket. Unfortunately, all ticket sold off already. Therefore, I bought the next day’s ticket back to hometown.

In this situation, I learned that all the events are related as they can affect to each other. All this happening will influence the turnover to our world of economic. For instance, UUM suddenly announced quarantine 1 week, many students rush to the bus station to get their bus ticket. This is a good chance for bus ticket seller to increase their sales and can enhance their business as well. Hence, smart entrepreneur need to use their creativeness in producing brilliant idea to produce the product or service. There are several plans to make success for entrepreneurs.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Creativity, the Business Idea, and Opportunity Analysis:

During lecture on this week, Pn Rafidah explained to us about the creativity for business idea, and analysis the opportunity for the market.

As she explained, she told us new creative ideas are crucially important to start a business. There are different sources to get new ideas. Consumer, existing products and services, research and development, distribution channels and federal government. After getting new ideas, we need to generate it. In the businesses process, many challenges will occur. Every different problems or challenges have their own solution. I feel that creative problem-solving techniques especially the brainstorming and discussion among team members are quite important in business world. Besides that, Pn Rafidah gave us an assessment to brainstorm on “One Malaysia” iCAAP Competition 2009 after the lecture. We need to brainstorm the business idea with our group members on the four multimedia applications; Animation, Game design, Multimedia design, and Virtual Reality. I chose Multimedia design for business plan. Hopefully I can get more idea about multimedia design to build a business.

On the other hand, Pn Rafidah explicate to us about type of innovation that influence the buildup a product or service. There are Breakthrough, Technological, and Ordinary. Then, she talked about the E-commerce which is wide to be used in nowadays. Most of entrepreneurs have decided to run Internet operations. Hence, a good web site is very important for a company.

In this class, I have learned good ideas and problem solving are very important to start an entrepreneurship.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

week 1

This week is my 2nd week to attend the IT Enterpreneuship class. My lectuer name is Rafidah Abd Razak. She is nice lecture and who can explain well in the class. Sometimes she can joke with student to let us more intresting to listen the lecture. After take this subject i just know need a lot of knowledge and skill to handle and manage the business. The skills i had learnt are comunication, gruop process, and self-management. Besides that, we need follow the principles of the entrepreneuship to manage the business. There are 3 main principles, activiting involved in the learning activities, should work cooperatively together to help each other learn, and have some role in the assessment.
I quite excited to learn this subject because it very challenge. It can let me gain more experience with academic when i start to do the project for this subject. I prepare to face this challenge in this semester.