Saturday, July 18, 2009

week 1

This week is my 2nd week to attend the IT Enterpreneuship class. My lectuer name is Rafidah Abd Razak. She is nice lecture and who can explain well in the class. Sometimes she can joke with student to let us more intresting to listen the lecture. After take this subject i just know need a lot of knowledge and skill to handle and manage the business. The skills i had learnt are comunication, gruop process, and self-management. Besides that, we need follow the principles of the entrepreneuship to manage the business. There are 3 main principles, activiting involved in the learning activities, should work cooperatively together to help each other learn, and have some role in the assessment.
I quite excited to learn this subject because it very challenge. It can let me gain more experience with academic when i start to do the project for this subject. I prepare to face this challenge in this semester.

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