Thursday, July 30, 2009

H1N1>>>>>>> TERRIBLE!!!!

After back from class, I received surprise news that is UUM that raid by H1N1. UUM will be quarantine for 1 week onward today. I very flurry and quickly went back to my room and inform my roommates about this matter. After discuss with roommates, I decided go back home because worry infect by H1N1. Besides that, all DPP café would close in the period of quarantine.

I feel so lucky that one of my friend fetch me to Alor Star’s bus station to take bus. On the way to bus station, I saw many students wait at bus stop. Many of the students were very upset due to service of bus stopped. I appreciated that my friend could fetch me as this avoid me from contend bus which full of students.

When I reached the Shahub’s bus station, I rushed to counter buy ticket. Unfortunately, all ticket sold off already. Therefore, I bought the next day’s ticket back to hometown.

In this situation, I learned that all the events are related as they can affect to each other. All this happening will influence the turnover to our world of economic. For instance, UUM suddenly announced quarantine 1 week, many students rush to the bus station to get their bus ticket. This is a good chance for bus ticket seller to increase their sales and can enhance their business as well. Hence, smart entrepreneur need to use their creativeness in producing brilliant idea to produce the product or service. There are several plans to make success for entrepreneurs.

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