Saturday, October 24, 2009

Final presentation:

This week is the last week I attend the IT entrepreneurship class. Therefore, I had to work the path of report that I manage. I take charge of the path of website presentation and do the presentation in the power point. Besides that, I had seen to the path of outline and accountings.

On the Sunday, I accomplish the path that I preside over. The next day is our presentation day. I answered for present our website and accountings path. We were the third group for presentation. Our group members were standing by for this presentation.

My most important problem is I quite nervous when almost turn me to presentation. But I remember that Pn. Rafidah teach us must be self-confidence when you are presentation. I try to calm down and overcome this problem. I was deep breathing before presentation but I still felt I not present well in the presentation.

End of this week reflections, I learned that the progress of the entrepreneur. I understand to start an entrepreneur must have good idea and business plan. If you have idea and plan, you can follow the schedule to put up the business. It will help you progress the business smoothly.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Donation at old folk home:

Since I study at UUM, I never wake up early then 7a.m except got final exam. Today, I wake up at 6:00a.m because I would went to old folk’s home. I went there for donation and obligation to help them clean their home.

We reach there around 9a.m. When we reached there, I saw many oldsters sit below of three. They seem like very lonely and may be think something in their mind. They saw us came to visit them, they are very happy to receive us.

First of all, our leader distributed the job for us. We cooperated to clean the old folk’s home. I with responsibility for clean the windows. After cleaned the windows, I had also chat with oldsters. They are quite poor and really need someone carry. Sometimes, they will cry when talk about their family. At that moment, my tear in my eyes because I also sad after listen what they told me.

i accomplish to clean the windows. After take lunch and chat with oldsters, we pass our donation (RM 200) to the principal. We all very happy can help the oldsters, at least can support them money to buy their necessity. My most important problem is I don’t how to speak Hokien, so I don’t how to communicate with some oldsters who don’t know how to speak mandarin.
End of this week reflection, I understand that I must take care of my parent and respect them. They are the person who most close and love me in this world. I very happy had chance to help the people who need the help.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Workshop “Generating Business Idea”:

This week I had attended Generating Business Idea Workshop at the FTM. This workshop is present by Assoc. Prof Azizi Zakaria and present discuss about- How to develop a good business idea. The reason front for this workshop is because Assoc. Prof Azizi Zakaria want to choose an excellent team to take part a business plan partition.

First of all, he gave us explanation and guideline to briefly the competition. A business plan need prepare a prototype. It can help you more understand about the object you done. If you get good idea, you can present well in your presentation. To improve our presentation skill, you must be self-confidence and recognize the entire thing you want to present. Therefore, you should do many researches before presentation. He told us that “I listen, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand”.

Besides that, you should have better concept of your business plan. A good business idea could be an invention, a new product or service, or an original idea or solution to an everyday problem. It might also be a gap in the market that you can fill, a business related to the work you do already, and an interest or hobby that you can turn into a business.

In addition, he explained us that there are three major hurdles to overcome before any idea can come to fruition. It is identify a problem, ideas generation, and idea selection. For a good and successful business idea, you should solve problems/provide a need; such as groceries delivery, laundry services, 3G, and Broadband. Then, you should improvement/find out a better way to accomplish task; such as online banking and e Commerce. You also need because people want to buy; such as fast food, Alarm or CCTV.

On the other hands, E-commerce offers entrepreneurs an opportunity to be creative and innovative. So, you may know the factors that facilitate a high-growth in electronic commerce; there are widespread uses of personal computers, adoption of intranets in companies, acceptance of the Internet as a business communications platform, and faster and more secure systems.

He also showed us some samples of good business idea. For example, developing a website dedicated to providing visitors with diet and fitness information and services can potentially make you rich. E-commerce specialists can also help businesses build or improve their web sites, develop productive database systems, and increase search engine rankings.

End of this week reflection, I learned that business plan is very important for a entrepreneur. It can help you success for your business.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Progress of dedications:

Mid-autumn festival is coming soon. Therefore, this week I had packed all the dedication materials into plastic bag with my group members. The dedication materials include lollipop, sweet, lantern, bookmark in small bottle, moon cake, jelly, and chocolate.

I accomplished to pack all the dedication with my group members. We cooperate to put all the materials in the plastic bag. My most important problem is our room too small for put so many dedication. The amount of dedication is 240. Therefore, my room full of the dedication evens no place to walk.

After complete pack the all dedications, we start to send dedication from DPP YAB and DPP Bank Muamalat. I am very happy when they received our dedications because I seem like a people who send the good wish to them.

End of this week reflections, I learned that how to manage the time to separate the thing. Besides that, many people can finish job early and easily. Therefore, cooperation is very important for a team.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Progress Our Business

This week I found a supplier who is my friend’s brother. He is a sale of jewels and accessories. To reduce our burden of business, he allow us take the product and sell first. After sell and get the money just pay back him the cost of product. It is very am bilateral advantage for our business and him. I have sign an agreement for promise I will pay him money after our business.
I bring back the entire product to UUM. Therefore, we start to sell our accessories in front of YAB office and room by room at YAB and Bank Muamalat hostel. I very shy when first time sells in front of so many people. After few moments, I habit it and promote our product to customers. I very happy when I saw customers bought our product.

While we sell our accessories, we also promote our dedication to customers. Almost Chinese students interested our dedication because very cheap. They all hope can send well- wishing to their friend in the Chinese culture festival. Now, we have more than 30 order list for dedication and sell various accessories to YAB gal.
My most important problem is I want to calculate the amount of accessories after sales every times. Because the accessories are too many and too small, I will use long time to calculate and pack up it.

Besides that, I had collected the capital (RM 25) from each group members. Every night, I will record the order list for dedication and calculate the money that I receive from customer.

In this week, i learned that the technic to promote product. When promote the product must patient to answer the customer question and must polite talk to them.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Start Our Business

This week I had a meeting for our business in the class. After discuss with group member, we decided opening our business with sales accessories or jewels and sell dedication for Mid-Autumn Festival. For the accessories, we want survey a good supplier to provide product for us. For the dedication, we decided the dedication include sweet, chocolates, lantern, moon cake, and jelly. We will do a greeting card for the people who want to buy our dedication. This special card can write down well-wishing to the receiver.

Besides that, I will sell out dedication at DPP YAB office. So, our leader depute us writes a request letter to YAB headmaster for ask this permit. After few days, he approved our request. Very grateful he helped us process our enterprise.

My most important concern is wanted to achieve target for sell the dedication. All of group member sell more than 20 dedications. I will try best to achieve this target and hope can sell over 20 dedications.

Now, the missions of our group members are try our best to survey supplier and promote our dedication. We also decided that correct RM 25 for capital from all group member in the next class.

i learned that we must prepare well before start a business.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Study Smart but Not Study Hard:

This week, I attended a workshop about “Study Smart but Not Study Hard”. The presenter of this workshop is Madam Fathilah Mohd Alipiah. She teach us the skill of study to let us know how to get ready for exams and quizzes.

Before study, you need to do physical preparation. First of all, you can open a soft music to relax ourselves. Then, you may put all the resources for your study together with you. When you study, you may control your stress because if you stress cannot concentrate to your study.
Besides that, you can set the goals for your study or reversion path; for example, you can plan what you should study and do during the next holiday. It will let you finish your work early.
Besides that, you should understand the time management. Usually, student will always say not enough time to do assignment. Actually, this is because they don’t know how to manage their schedule. You may do the important assignment first such as do the assignment that want to pass up lately just do the other assignment that want to pass up next time.

On the other hands, the capability of brain is very powerful. The energies of brain let you perpetrate the thing you think; “if you think nothing, do nothing; but if you think you can, you can do it”. The highway of our brain is very busy, so it can do and think many things.

For the pre-read, you have to focus on SQR3, there’s 3 R inside includingread to answer the question, write and review multiple times. For efficient study, you can study before sleep; don’t empty your mind to sleep. Because when you wake up, your mind have deep impress for that path you study before you sleep.

In conclusion, I will apply these skills when I study. I hope I can get good result in this semester.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Study is working:

This is first time I attended workshop in UUM. The workshop title is “study is working” and the presenter is Encik Ariffin Abdul Mutalib. He told us that the purpose of student is study. A student should study hard and get colorful result in exam. Therefore, he had presented us the skill and theory of study to us and hope us become an excellent student.

During the workshop presentation, he explained that a good student should be good attitude. This workshop focuses on three stages which are before class, during class and after class. Before the class, you should prepare all the material of study; such as note and highlight pen. During the class, you must concentrate to study. You should write down all the important point that lecturer tell us in the lecture hall. After the class, you should brush up on the notes that lecturer teach you that day.

In addition, the most suitable time to focus your academic is between 8am to 5pm. So, you should take time your study in this period. Even though that period no class or cancel class, you may do research for your academic. Sometimes, you can communicate with your course mates about your academic or do discussion with them. It will help you gain more knowledge.
Besides that, you thinking is also very important when you study. The thinking of you must be dynamic. For example, don’t believe the ghost in the life because it is illusion. Every student should “think out of box”. When you think any idea or get any information, you may write down in your notebook. It will help do research and can refer when you need it.

On the other hands, you should be confidence to yourself. You must believe you can do it when you meet any challenge or problem. For example, you may coolness to present your assignment to your lectures and classmates. If you nerves will influence your emotion, so cannot present your presentation clearly.

In conclusion, I learn how to studying well now. I should be positive thinking and good attitude to get more knowledge in UUM. I also very appreciate that UUM give me this chance to understand what I should do when I study.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oral Presentation:

In this week, Pn Rafidah gave explanation us a very useful topic about the Oral Presentation. Presentation is very important for a university students because we need present our project or product to lecturers and students. From the presentation, lecturers will give you mark basses on your explanation and representation.

Pn Rafidah explicated that normally the person who first time present will feel nervous when presentation. So, every presenter need prepare the scrip before the presentation then practice and practice again. Besides that, if the presenter practice well, they will not forget what they want to talk and can make sure will not exceed the time limit.

Normally, presenter should make sure the timing for short presentation keep within the 7-minute time limit and each slide no more than 2 or 3 minute. Presenter can also show the power point to the author let them more easy to understand the content of presentation.

The volume of presenter must be sure to speak loud enough so that all of the audience can hear presenter. If presenter speak too soft, it will make author don not understand the presenter.

On the other hands, presenter need pay attention about the pacing and speed of talk. The presenter who are a bit nervous talk too fast. All that adrenaline causes them to speed through their talk. That makes it hard for the audience to follow.

In this week, I learned about that must confident when oral presentation. It can make the presenter talk more clearly and loudly.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

H1N1>>>>>>> TERRIBLE!!!!

After back from class, I received surprise news that is UUM that raid by H1N1. UUM will be quarantine for 1 week onward today. I very flurry and quickly went back to my room and inform my roommates about this matter. After discuss with roommates, I decided go back home because worry infect by H1N1. Besides that, all DPP café would close in the period of quarantine.

I feel so lucky that one of my friend fetch me to Alor Star’s bus station to take bus. On the way to bus station, I saw many students wait at bus stop. Many of the students were very upset due to service of bus stopped. I appreciated that my friend could fetch me as this avoid me from contend bus which full of students.

When I reached the Shahub’s bus station, I rushed to counter buy ticket. Unfortunately, all ticket sold off already. Therefore, I bought the next day’s ticket back to hometown.

In this situation, I learned that all the events are related as they can affect to each other. All this happening will influence the turnover to our world of economic. For instance, UUM suddenly announced quarantine 1 week, many students rush to the bus station to get their bus ticket. This is a good chance for bus ticket seller to increase their sales and can enhance their business as well. Hence, smart entrepreneur need to use their creativeness in producing brilliant idea to produce the product or service. There are several plans to make success for entrepreneurs.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Creativity, the Business Idea, and Opportunity Analysis:

During lecture on this week, Pn Rafidah explained to us about the creativity for business idea, and analysis the opportunity for the market.

As she explained, she told us new creative ideas are crucially important to start a business. There are different sources to get new ideas. Consumer, existing products and services, research and development, distribution channels and federal government. After getting new ideas, we need to generate it. In the businesses process, many challenges will occur. Every different problems or challenges have their own solution. I feel that creative problem-solving techniques especially the brainstorming and discussion among team members are quite important in business world. Besides that, Pn Rafidah gave us an assessment to brainstorm on “One Malaysia” iCAAP Competition 2009 after the lecture. We need to brainstorm the business idea with our group members on the four multimedia applications; Animation, Game design, Multimedia design, and Virtual Reality. I chose Multimedia design for business plan. Hopefully I can get more idea about multimedia design to build a business.

On the other hand, Pn Rafidah explicate to us about type of innovation that influence the buildup a product or service. There are Breakthrough, Technological, and Ordinary. Then, she talked about the E-commerce which is wide to be used in nowadays. Most of entrepreneurs have decided to run Internet operations. Hence, a good web site is very important for a company.

In this class, I have learned good ideas and problem solving are very important to start an entrepreneurship.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

week 1

This week is my 2nd week to attend the IT Enterpreneuship class. My lectuer name is Rafidah Abd Razak. She is nice lecture and who can explain well in the class. Sometimes she can joke with student to let us more intresting to listen the lecture. After take this subject i just know need a lot of knowledge and skill to handle and manage the business. The skills i had learnt are comunication, gruop process, and self-management. Besides that, we need follow the principles of the entrepreneuship to manage the business. There are 3 main principles, activiting involved in the learning activities, should work cooperatively together to help each other learn, and have some role in the assessment.
I quite excited to learn this subject because it very challenge. It can let me gain more experience with academic when i start to do the project for this subject. I prepare to face this challenge in this semester.